Insculpo Works is Online
What is an Insculpo Work?
It is
I haven’t fully divined that, in all the brainstorming sessions and ideating it has all for so long been just in my head or a vast trove of offline notes. I want to end that age and begin a new age of outward talk. So blogging it is.
As to what I will do with this blog, mainly it will be a public accountability activity. I publicly log my illustrations, programming and creative writings as the various “Insculpo Works”. I have in the past attempted such blogging but with the amount of backlog accrued over the years of radio silence I don’t believe I will run out of content at all for a blog like this. Some of this may get posted on other sites and I will need to update my link tree to include this blog.
There is a galaxy out there to cover. There is multiple game projects to cover. There is months of reading, visual design and the grind of drawing practice to cover.
Should be enough for an audience.
We’ll see how it goes.