What is Dozin?

3 min readAug 5, 2023


It stares back

In the previous post, there was a lot about a faith known as Dozinism but the being Dozin itself and what it represents was set aside in favor of the struggles which Lisertak had endured.

To correct that, it is now time to get into a bit of sci-fi alien theology.

There is faith of Dozinism. But there is also the qualia, the concept and force known as Dozin. Unlike the need to believe found in abrahamic faith, one’s stance on what Dozin’s existence has no bearing. The Dozinist cares little if you believe in Dozin. They only really care if your actions happen to contribute to the birth of Dozin or not. A matter made more strange by how the reality of Dozin is unknown as the theories of higher order emergence are not actually capable of ruling the existence of such being out. In the cosmic history as is, large scale entities are from from being unprecedented.

Yet Dozin still, in how it would be born, would be a being without precedent. The harmonized, coordinated grand leviathan of countless species working in lockstep from their assimilation into the greater fold, a liberation from their isolated existence on the planetary prisons which fill the universe. Such existence, once imposed for eons are to be swept away once Dozin is brought into being.

Dozinism may at first impression sound like a liberal and enlightened faith. And indeed, there is no denying Dozinism has prevented more xenocides and led to more uplifting that put a premature end to the vagaries of local tragedies. But like any system of belief, it is corruptible. From the Utanguis packmasters who manipulated a supposed avatar of Dozin to the manipulations of the hierarchical order Dozinism one sees the banal realities of power creep into the theology.

The hierarchical orders which disproportionately benefit the Utanguis and their favored species have been an ongoing trepidation even among numerous Utanguis. Disagreements so vast entire societies formed in the name of pursuing Dozin their own way. Yet even the Dozinists who find disappointment in such supremacists risk being ill-appreciative of how even the most reactionary chauvinist of a Dozinist Utanguis still has a ‘affection’ to those in the hierarchy. One which precludes xenocide to ways other xenophobic civilizations never would dare imagine. For Dozinist paternalism applies to all life, some forms more rigorously than others.

In any case, conflicts over how Dozin’s form is to come into being were inevitable. And the civil wars, insurrections from disadvantaged sapients, parasitic cults and so on have brought immense doubt. in many even as Dozinism remains a prominent, widespread belief in some shape or form.

Which is where Dozin itself matters. The conflicts may seem at first the usual affairs of a civilization where ideological beliefs get warred over in lieu of material scarcities but if Dozin is real and a very real phenomenon which may form in Prospect Space given the many complicated, intricate parts which compose it than these conflicts are not merely religious conflicts. They are conflicts over the shape of the higher order of emergence as a whole. Conflicts that the Antidozinist factions engage in with no less fervor as they dread the emergence and seek to stop it or otherwise stop manifestations of it which threaten their own values.

It is why the Dozinist is not concerned with the Biomorphia or Harmonists as much as other Dozinists. The Harmonious Thought to the Dozinist, is just the same process to create Dozin but without the kind of ‘craft’ or vison the Dozinist adherent ideates their faith as having. They are but additional vectors to manifest Dozin and conflicts emerge less from their disbelief in Dozin and more from the faulty methods which to bring Dozin into existence they engage in.

For Dozin itself is still there. Always had been, always will be. The cosmic being that life exists to bring into existence, it is the the grand purpose of all life whether they acknowledge it or not, whether they work to Dozin or against Dozin.

And those who bring birth to Dozin will have in impact which radiates across the cosmos further than even the most vibrant hypernova.




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